Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bill bars illegals from getting tax credits

You may be wondering why in the world would i post this in the "identity theft" section, well once you understand what is really at risk by what this article is reffering to you will soon understand that those that are in this country illegally, will realize that without a SSN they won't be able to take part in the tax credit. That means that in order for then to get a tax credit, they will have to produce a valid SSN, there in lies the problem. So what's to stop them from using YOUR SSN? And would you know if someone other than you did, well that is until you DON'T get your tax credit, instead you get a letter explaining that you have already filed. The article below was in our local paper...

Bill bars illegals from tax credits
Illegals could not get tax credits in the stimulus bill because Social Security numbers are needed.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Illegal immigrants who lack Social Security numbers could not get tax credits under the $800 billion-plus economic stimulus package making its way through Congress.
Two senior GOP congressional officials expressed concern Thursday that the bill could steer government checks to undocumented workers, but in fact the measure indicates that Social Security numbers are needed to claim tax credits of $500 per worker and $1,000 per couple. It also expressly disqualifies nonresident immigrants.
The Republicans spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. But Democrats were quick to reject the notion.
"This legislation is directed toward people who are legal in our country. It is about time the Republicans got a different piece of reading material and get off this illegal immigrant stuff," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. "This bill has nothing to do with anything illegal as far as immigration. It creates jobs for people who are lawfully in this country."
A revolt among GOP conservatives to provisions of last year's economic stimulus bill, which sent rebate checks to most wage earners, forced Democratic congressional leaders to add stricter eligibility requirements. That legislation, enacted in February 2008, required that people have valid Social Security numbers in order to get checks.
The current plan doesn't contain that requirement, but it imposes the same qualifications for the tax credit as are in place for the earned income tax credit, a program for low-income workers that is limited to people with Social Security numbers.
The House-passed economic recovery measure also requires that businesses that win contracts for projects funded by the plan use a federal Internet-enabled system to ensure they do not hire illegal immigrants.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Why do I need a will.. Read on...

I have a friend of mine that i have known for 8 years, he is our rep for Glidden paints at Home Depot. Last week, on Thurs, he came into the store, he says to me that he can't really talk much, his sister is in the hospital, she went in for a routine procedure and during the night in the recovery room she coded. No pulse, not breathing, they got here heart beating again, but they had to put her on a breathing machine. Friday, I called to see how his sister was doing, only to be told that she was now in a coma, and they don't think that she would come out of it.. Monday, after the weekend and returning to work, i called him to find out that his sister had passed away.. I started to talk to him, letting him get some things off his chest, in the course of talking this is what he revealed to me. His sister has a 12 year old son, the father was never in the families life due to drug addiction, and living in the son was raised by his mother, and her brothers.. Now the kicker, because there was never a will, the drug addicted father gets custody of the child, because he did pay child support, when he could, so when they inputted the child's SSN, up popped the biological fathers info, Where's the justice in that?? Even though the families willing to take the boy into there home, with people that he is used to being around that love him, and know what his needs are, the state is contacting a drug addicted parent to let him know that he is responsible for a child now.. So now the family has to deal not only with a funeral, but now they are in a legal battle for the welfare of a child, which would have been taken care of with the dictates of a will, Please let everyone know the importance of having a will, and how the simple things in life that we all take for granted, can change overnight... The family has hired three attorneys to see what they can do to have her son stay with those that truly care for him.. so far there only hope is that the father will give up his parental rights..

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Plan "B" have you got one?

With what's going on in the world today, hearing companies that have been around for years, that are now closing there doors. It brought a question to my mind, "what's your plan B" or do you even think about ways to make extra income, or to supplement the income that you currently have. All of us, no matter what line of work that we are in, cannot guarantee that we will always have an income, we cannot control the markets, who our employers decide to keep and who the decide to let go.
So again, "what's your plan "B"? How would you make sure that you and your family will have the things that they need, food, clothing, shelter, etc, in our economic times that we are facing now? It's a question that most of us don't really think about, we go to work, do what we are paid to do, go home and do it all again the next day, and the next, we get comfortable in our life style we get a mind set that we are doing alright for ourselves, and so we don't think of the day that we may no longer be employed. We think it only think it happens to the "other" guy, what and how would you explain to your family that this year that they can't take the trip that you have been planning, and that your going to have to do with the car that you were planning to trade in.
It's not that you are a bad employee, or that you don't work hard enough, we all are in the game, someone is always willing to do the same job for less. How many of us have ever considered a job that we can do from our own home, work the hours that you want, and make the money that will be enough for your families life. And the best part, not having to worry about " the day". What are the benefits of working from home, besides what I've stated... well read on..

As the economy gets softer and softer, more and more people are desperately seeking ways to bring home more income. Are you one of millions of Americans who need extra money… right now? If so, what is your plan for getting it? Do you have one? Are you working more hours? Picking up a second job? A third job? Are you cutting back on your expenses? Are you selling things on eBay? Letting go of the second car? Backing down your minutes on your cell phone? Car pooling to work? Cutting back on the $5 Lattes? Turning off your heating and air? Packing a lunch for work rather than eating out?
Those are several ways of increasing your bottom line, but I have a better solution.
How about going to work tomorrow and getting an IMMEDIATE RAISE, even if you’re the worst employee in the joint! You can! If you know the rules, you can walk into your human resource department tomorrow morning at your job, make a simple, legal and honest adjustment in your with holdings on your W-4, and immediately increase your take home income by $200-$600 a month or more!
Here’s the deal…
Your first day on your job, you filled out a W-4 form. Remember that section that asks about dependents, and how many “deductions” you claim? This tells your employer how much money to withhold from your paycheck to cover your taxes. That money goes to the IRS, and if you’re like most people, you overpaid the IRS last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, and the year before that, so they have been sending you a tax refund every year. Sound familiar?
All that refund is, is the money you overpaid in taxes. In other words, you gave Uncle Sam a interest free loan throughout the year. Why in the world would we give Uncle Sam an INTEREST FREE LOAN? Why would we give them our hard earned money when in today's economy, we need it more than ever? And remember…IT WAS YOUR MONEY TO BEGIN WITH, not the IRS.
If you don’t know already, it’s vital to understand the major difference between the rich and poor.
The poor and middle class:
1. Work
2. Pay taxes
3. Spend what’s left over
The rich:
1. Work or have money/people at work for them
2. Spend & invest all that they can
3. Pay taxes on what’s left over
Did you get that? Do you see how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer? The poor and middle class pay taxes FIRST, on the full amount they earn. The rich pay taxes LAST, after they have had a spending and investing spree.
Get me straight here. This article is not about tax evasion. I am all about paying taxes. I like the nice quality sidewalks for my kids, and nice highways for my stint in a friends Lamborghini. But I’m not about paying one cent more than my fair share.
Disclaimer - I am not a tax professional nor an attorney. I am a college drop-out, and according the man, know nothing and, am not qualified to make any of the above or following statements. I am not giving you specified financial advice, but merely making suggestions, based upon my uneducated and uninformed opinion. Further more, I am not in any way attempting to practice medicine without a license, nor impersonate a police officer or any other professional, licensed, decreed, credentialed or otherwise certified individual. How’s that for a disclaimer? You gotta do that in today's world, or wind up in prison.
Educate yourself in regards to the rules of the game
The only reason the rich get richer and the poor get poorer is because the rich know the rules of the game. But, you don’t have to be rich to know, or to learn the rules. I was broke not that long ago, but I have become wealthy because I, as a broke person, learned the rules of the game, applied them consistently over time.
My friend, Ronald Muller, wrote an incredible book on this very topic. It’s How Much You Keep That Counts, Not How Much You Make. This is, in my opinion, the greatest book ever written on the topic. He covers all the “fine print” to make sure that you’re doing right, and teaches you how to legally write off, much that you are already paying for… after taxes. I highly recommend his stuff. So if you want to start playing the game of the rich and begin bringing home an extra $200-$600 or more per month, I would grab the book. But there’s a catch. In addition to buying the book, you’ll need to…
Start a H-ome B-ased B-usiness (HBB)
All the tips in this book are geared for people who own and operate a HBB. If you have one, congrats! If you have one and you don’t have the book, get the book. If you don’t have a HBB, get one, period, and then get the book!
On top of the savings listed above, once you start a HBB, your home phone becomes your company phone. Your home address becomes your business address. You can write off a percentage of your mortgage/rent and your utilities. Your car becomes your company car. Your vacations become business trips. And on, and on, and on.
It’s NUTS to me that every person in this country doesn’t have a HBB. I’ve determined there are only two reasons people don’t have a HBB.
They are simply ignorant (unaware) of the thousands of dollars they are losing every year by not having one
Or, they are just flat out out ignorant
So which are you?
I know if you are reading this article, you either have a HBB or you will shortly. Once you understand the wealth that can be created, just by minimizing your number one expense in life, TAXES, it would be silly to not start your own HBB.
Everyone knows someone who runs a HBB. Most HBB’s allow you to recruit others into the business and have simple turn keys systems that anyone can follow. Perhaps someone sent you this article to help you decide to join them in theirs. Why not? If they took the time and cared enough to get this article in front of you, to educate you and help you succeed, they are probably going to be a great person to work with.
Most HBB opportunities out there are very inexpensive to start, ranging from about $100-$500, some even less than that. And, your investment is a tax write-off (Uncle Sam will pick up the tab).
This is a NO BRAINIER. The book is a tax write off, meaning Uncle Sam will reimburse you the purchase amount. The business you start will be a tax write off, as well as any other related expenses. And as a HBB owner, all or part of the following expenses can be written off…
your home
your cell phone
your home phone
home gas/electric bills
dinners and entertainment
your gasoline
your car and related expenses
“business related” gifts
books, cd’s and other educational items
vacations, and much, much more
Imagine what you would do with an extra $2,000 on up to $6,000 a year in income? And that doesn’t include the income generated from your HBB. The $2K - $6K represents possible tax savings alone!
If more money would be a blessing to you and your family, what are you waiting for? Get yourself a raise! Order the book, and get back to the person who sent you this article, and learn about their business and see if it’s a good fit. Then, go see your HR person at work and make a little adjustment on your paper work (the book will tell you how), and start bringing home an additional $200-$600 per month, this month!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

UPS Scam (this ones good)

This ones good, just reading through it you can clearly see that the person who wrote it has no understanding of the English language..

United Parcel Service Nigeria LTD12 Idowu Taylor StreetVictoria IslandLagos, Nigeria.Office Number: +234-807-596-9177Good day,

CLAIM NOTIFICATION.This is to notify you that your parcel is still in our possession, thisparcel contained an International Cashier Bank Draft/Cheque with your ATMCARD worth the sum of $2 Million dollars only and it is ready for deliveryto your door step. Meanwhile, before the delivery or shipment will takeplace, you are advice to send to us the following dates mentions Below.Fill this Form:Full Name:Contact Address:City:State:Postal Code:Country:And your contact phone number:The above requested informations will enable us deliver your parcelcorrectly without any mistake or delivering your parcel to a wrong person.Furthermore, you might be asking yourself how comes this email, Anyway,your consignment was brought to this office by a Federal Ministry ofFinance, and also we have some consignment from the Lottery FiduciaryAgent Or Claim Agent, signifying that you are a rightful owner of thepackages, which your email address is one of the lucky email address.UPS Courier Service Company mailing you as per your parcel that wasbrought to this company to be delivered to you, along the delivery processthat brought a misunderstanding between you and the sender and in regardsof their request as per their insurance certificate cost and tax with costof delivery fee which happened to be the course of your parcel beingpending for the past months/one year.Meanwhile we are hereby happy to inform you that the UPS Company hasfinalized everything with the icon insurance company of Nigeria and theinternal revenue office as the company has also listed 24 valuableparcelss to be intact in their office after the released of the parcelsfrom the icon insurance company and internal revenue office.We are happy to inform you once again that your parcel that contains thesum of $2 million dollars is among the 24 parcels listed which is now inour office and also with your E-mail as the receiver despite that we lostyour private residential addresses, which is an indication that you cannow re-send your residential address, telephone as stated above back tothe UPS company where your parcel can be delivered to you withouthesitation with this official E-mail: Meanwhile remember that the sender of this parcel to you that the fiduciary agent still owes this company the sum of $150 before incident occurs, note that this company has spend out of their incomes in theprocess by recovery back your parcels dear customer we once againappreciate your patronage in our favor.Without hesitations you are to pay for just the balance left by yoursender since we have lost his contact. via western union so that yourparcel can be delivered to your residential address before it accumulate ademurrage after one week only, as you know your parcel is not just anordinary parcel but with a huge amount and I think you understand what Imean by accumulating a demurrage? Which you will not allow to happen toyour recovery parcel that almost gone if not for the love that the goodGod have for you by favoring you with his favor because it was God who didit not by your power but by the spirit say the lord.We assure you that your parcel will arrive at your country in two daystime and it will get to your door step the third day as soon as thiscompany receive the balance left by your sender and the tracking number ofyour parcel will be sent to you via e-mail immediately so that you cantrack it yourself to see your parcel coming on the way and you will alsoknow when it will arrive at your country because we operate in trust andloyalty in your favor.And also the UPS Courier Service Company is hereby to inform all theircustomers by eradicating all their communication with the scam mails thatare going all-over the world be careful with their e-mails so that yourparcel will not be in danger with their evil planes.UPS provides access to a growing global market place through a network ofsupply chain, transportation, business and related information Services.
WHAT FOR?TEXT ANSWER---------------.
MTCN NUMBER......................

Please you have to send the full payment information including the MTCNNumber to our office to fully proceed on your deliveryUPS is one of the world's great success stories, the start-up thatrevolutionized the delivery of packages and information. In the past 30years, we've grown up and grown into a diverse family of companies - UPSthat's bigger, stronger, better than ever.
Call me: Tel: +234-01-735-4265and speak with the MD. Mr. Donald Ray for more info.And you are to reply to this email address WAITING TO READ YOUR E-MAIL.YOURS AFFECTIONATLY.MR WILLIAM THOMAS.Private email address:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A misconception, and a mistake...

When out talking to people about this issue, it's amazing that the number of people that have gotten a misconception of what ID theft really involves. The reason is that most of us only think of ID theft when it comes to our money, credit, or finanical reasons. When in realitiy it involves a much larger area than just what's on your credit report.
Their are five areas of your identity, one of which eveyone is aware of, as mentiond before, credit. So many people tell me that " they can have my idenity, it's so screwed up" or " I don't have to worry about that, my credit is so bad that they can't to anything with it" In reality even people with bad credit can get credit, it may be only $500.00 but that's enough to start the ball rolling. But what are the other four remaining areas? How about Criminal activity? That won't show up on your credit report, and you as the rightful person, may not be aware that your infromation was used to commit a crime, that is until there is a warrent out for your arrest. And one day you get pulled over for a minor traffic violation, the officer runs your info, and low and behold up pops a warrant, to which the officer orders you out of the car. Yeah it may happen, but that only happens in large cities.. right? Wrong..

How about your medical information? Yeah we all have a medical history and someone somewhere doesn't want a huge medical bill, and what are the chances of that person having the same blood type as you, what if they are on medications that you don't take, so why not use your info, and again that won't show on your credit report as well, that is untill it's already gone to collections.
Let's not forget your Charactor, basically who you are, your life stlye, more and more employees are looking a your credit history, not so much to see what you credit score is, they are looking for patterns, do you pay your bills on time, how many accounts do you have opened, how many addresses have you had in the past five years?
With more and more employees needing jobs, and the increase of illeagal immigrants comming in to better there lives and there families lives, what are the chances of your SSN being used to get housing, loans, employment, school, ect, ect. How would you know if someone had your info and gotten a job, you wouldn't, that is until they don't pay taxes and the IRS is comming for YOU.
So there is more to ID theft than just credit, and what is on your credit report, it's about who you are, your family, and it's name. Try something google your own name, and see what you pull up, i did.. You may be surprised as to how many peole have the same names...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Are you worried that someone's got your personal info?

How many of us have ever gotten that annoying call from a collection agency, demanding payment of an account that you never knew existed, or been truned down for a job, can't get a loan. How often do you think about what's on a credit report, who has access to public records, or medical files? How many times have we heard on the news about a data base that was " hacked" into, or a delivery company that " lost" a disc and what kind of personal information was stored on it?
What we all need to be concerned with, is the fact the eveyone's information is somewhere, and someone, other than those that's it's intended for may come across it, The bigger question is what are you doing to make sure that your information is your's and your's alone? The harsh reality is that none of us can make sure that what's in an office, stored on a disc, or who has access to this information will keep it safe.
We also need to be more aware of the rising issue of Identity Theft. It's becoming a major issue, it's one that law enforcement doesn't have the resources, time or the money to go after evey single case. So that leaves it up to you the victom, so where do you start? Who do you get help from, and depending on where someone is using your identity at, who do you file the police report with and what can they do, if anything?

so let's discuss this, who has had it happen to them, what did you do, how long did it take to clear it up, and are you still feeling the affects of it..