Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Why do I need a will.. Read on...

I have a friend of mine that i have known for 8 years, he is our rep for Glidden paints at Home Depot. Last week, on Thurs, he came into the store, he says to me that he can't really talk much, his sister is in the hospital, she went in for a routine procedure and during the night in the recovery room she coded. No pulse, not breathing, they got here heart beating again, but they had to put her on a breathing machine. Friday, I called to see how his sister was doing, only to be told that she was now in a coma, and they don't think that she would come out of it.. Monday, after the weekend and returning to work, i called him to find out that his sister had passed away.. I started to talk to him, letting him get some things off his chest, in the course of talking this is what he revealed to me. His sister has a 12 year old son, the father was never in the families life due to drug addiction, and living in the son was raised by his mother, and her brothers.. Now the kicker, because there was never a will, the drug addicted father gets custody of the child, because he did pay child support, when he could, so when they inputted the child's SSN, up popped the biological fathers info, Where's the justice in that?? Even though the families willing to take the boy into there home, with people that he is used to being around that love him, and know what his needs are, the state is contacting a drug addicted parent to let him know that he is responsible for a child now.. So now the family has to deal not only with a funeral, but now they are in a legal battle for the welfare of a child, which would have been taken care of with the dictates of a will, Please let everyone know the importance of having a will, and how the simple things in life that we all take for granted, can change overnight... The family has hired three attorneys to see what they can do to have her son stay with those that truly care for him.. so far there only hope is that the father will give up his parental rights..

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