Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New scam hits Idaho

New Scam Hits Idaho
By Hailey Higgins, Local News 8 Reporter
IDAHO FALLS - Scammers who tried to fool businesses last fall, are at it again. And, one Idaho Falls business almost lost $26,000 to the scam last week.
The scam looks like it is from the U.S. Department of Transportation. It asks for complete bank information for government records.
The Better Business Bureau says an unnamed business got caught up on the scam, and attempted to wire $26,000. Luckily the business's bank caught on before the wire was completed.
The BBB says scammers are saying they are from the U.S. government to get personal information. But the big tip-off in this scam was the wire information was out of the country.
"Just because it says U.S. government doesn't mean they are the U.S. government or the Department of Transportation," warns Donna Oe, CEO and President of the Better Business Bureau. "Know what you're working with. Anytime you send any of your personal information, know that's really where you are sending it."
If you run into this scam or any other, the Better Business Bureau would like to know about it.

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